
About us, how we are attached to our region and to cycling
Perchè la Sardegna è una terra meravigliosa da esplorare, aspra e selvaggia, poco urbanizzata e con le strade ancora percorribili in solitaria. I sentieri attraversano luoghi affascinanti e con una natura rigogliosa, tra alberi secolari e viste mozzafiato. I cibi sono ancora genuini e molto spesso fatti in casa, e si possono trovare solo in Sardegna: pane carasau, il vino cannonau, il vino bianco vermentino, il dolce sa pompìa
Because Sardinia is a wonderful land to explore, rugged and wild, not urbanized and with the roads still passable in solitary. The paths through fascinating places with lush vegetation, ancient trees and stunning views. The food is still genuine and often homemade, and can only be found in Sardinia: carasau bread, the wine Cannonau, Vermentino white wine, sweet knows Pompia

The following services are distinguishing for us
Possiamo guidare piccoli gruppi ed anche singoli biker, su percorsi di facile, media e livello difficile, con propria bici o con bici professionale a noleggio. Diamo anche il casco, guanti, borraccia. Per i percorsi difficili, chiediamo un buon allenamento e una buona tecnica.
We can drive small groups and even individual biker, riding in easy, medium and difficult level, with own bike or with professional bike rental. Let’s also a helmet, gloves, water bottle. For difficult terrain, we ask a good workout and a good driving technique.

The accomodation is located as follows:
Our farm is located in the countryside, near the sea. You can enter on a dirt road from the SS 125 for about 300 meters and you arrive at the farmhouse
Accommodation is in comfortable apartments, all with double bedroom (double bed and sofa bed in the living area for those who want a separate bed), completely immersed in greenery and overlooking the sea.
There is a kitchen, a bathroom, a veranda. It ‘a perfect place for a break from the tour or to stay for several days to discover one of the most beautiful territory of Sardinia, between forests and mountain trails, or just a few steps from the sea and the sand dunes of Capo Comino or Berchida, bordering Biderosa and the Gulf of Orosei

We are the perfect basecamp for:
Puntalizzu è perfetta per la mountain bike, per i numerosi sentieri che sono intorno all’azienda, per il Montalbo e per la zona marina. Si possono coprire comunque centinaia di km. anche decidendo di utilizzare la bici da strada, in direzione Lodè-Lula sul Montalbo, o Posada-Torpè e la Gallura verso nord, tra piccoli borghi semi disabitati e una natura spontanea rigogliosa. Sempre sul Montalbo si possono praticare le discipline del freeride e del downhill, grazie a sentieri realizzati da noi nel corso degli anni, percorribili sia con le nostre guide che in solitaria. Forniamo le mappe dei percorsi ai nostri clienti e noleggiamo un gps per chi lo desiderasse.
Puntalizzu is perfect for mountain biking, for the numerous trails that are around the farmhouse, for Montalbo and to the marina area. You can still cover hundreds of kilometers. also decided to use the road bike, towards Lodè-Lula on Montalbo, or Posada Torpè – and Gallura to the north, between the small villages semi uninhabited and a spontaneous nature lush. Also on Montalbo you can practice the disciplines of freeride and downhill, through paths made by us over the years, passable with our guides or lonely. We provide maps of the routes to our customers and we rent a GPS for those who want it.



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